“As a leader you can only grow to the threshold of your pain. The more pain you can handle, the more you will grow.”

Dr Samuel Chand

Welcome to LeaderGrow

LeaderGrow is a business with integrity at its core. We lead with integrity and our aim is to develop and build better leaders with integrity throughout Africa and in time throughout the world. We provide you with support to develop your leadership abilities, no matter where you are on your leadership journey. We assist you in enhancing your leadership capability through the LeaderGrow experience.

It is time for a new type of leadership in Africa

When the world seeks out exemplary leaders, we want them to look to Africa for leaders who lead with integrity, vision and significance and we are unwavering in our commitment to participate in developing and supporting these leaders, one person at a time.

Leadership is not a destination.
It’s a journey.
Let’s walk it together.


Meet the Team

Nicholas John

Nicholas John

CEO and Founder

“Helping people grow to their full potential has always been my passion and it is what brings me my greatest fulfilment. But not just any people. I am attracted to people who want to change the world and make it a better place; people who want to do something significant with their limited time on Earth; people who want to sacrifice their lives to serve and better others; people who want to live with integrity and the right heart. I guess you can refer to such people as LEADERS. So my desire is to impact the world and make it a better place by helping develop integral leaders of tomorrow. Having worked closely with many global organisations and their leaders throughout over 17 years in the corporate arena, I have been privileged to learn first-hand what some of the key attributes required for successful leadership are at all levels. Whether it was representing my school or university; making coffee for my team as a trainee accountant at Deloitte; serving my church board as a junior pastor, or leading large organisations as their Managing Director and CEO, my book of life is filled with quintessential leadership lessons that are relevant and essential for adult leaders wanting to make a significant impact on the world.”

Kirbashnee John

Kirbashnee John

Chief Operations Officer

“In a world where there is a great need for leaders of excellence and integrity, I am excited to be part of a team that strives to develop our future leaders. As a mother of two young ladies, I am especially passionate about empowering women, young and old, to be leaders and role models. My personal purpose is to uplift, impact and inspire these women so that they can realise their full potential irrespective of the challenges they might face. I myself have had obstacles to overcome, such as not having the funds to further my studies when I had completed my Matric, but these obstacles are merely stepping stones to the dream one faces. I used my challenges as stepping stones and eventually completed a Diploma in Fashion Design, a Diploma in Theology and I am currently completing my Associate Trainer certification with Dream Releaser Coaching. I will continue to move forward to ensure that I maximise all the talents and abilities that I have been blessed with, while at the same time helping other leaders succeed along the way. That brings me the greatest joy in life.”

Dr Samuel Chand

Dr Samuel Chand

International Leadership Authority

“During smaller leadership events such as leadership roundtables, people often ask me “what’s your biggest regret?’’ and the only answer I give is that I regret not having coaches and mentors earlier in my life because I would be more advanced in my leadership journey. I was born in a Pastor’s home in India in 1952, and have been exposed to leaders but I didn’t even realise that I was a leader until I was a University President in the US. Mere exposure to leaders in one’s life doesn’t necessarily develop a leader via osmosis – there is something intentional about leadership development and training. There is mutuality between someone wanting to enhance their leadership and the resources made available to them. Through LeaderGrow I want to give back what I didn’t receive. I want to make leadership resources available to all who want to learn from my discouragement as well as encouraging their leadership journey. I’ve learned that most challenges in the workplace are not technical—those solutions can be bought. Most workplace challenges are “people oriented”—those solutions cannot be bought.
As a Leadership Architect and Change Strategist I am honoured to travel this globe speaking at leadership events, consulting with senior executive leaders, writing books on leadership and resourcing emerging leaders. It is my contention that better “people” make better “leaders”.’’

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